September / October 2022

Over the past couple of years, the thought of “God with us” has captured my heart and informed my philosophy of ministry. While other religions and their gods erect barriers and require you to ascend to them, the gospel demonstrates how God has descended to us to break down the barriers that would keep us from Him. He came out of His great love for us, but also to restore us to a right relationship with Him.

John 1 reminds us that the story of mankind is framed by light infiltrating darkness. It was God, who said on the first day “Let there be light” that brought clarity to the darkness. It is light that separates darkness, not darkness that overwhelms light. It was His Son shining in the darkness, that has revealed the glory of God, a glory that is sure to overcome the darkness and those who would choose to dwell in it.

So, if we are children of light and the gospel has come near to us, then why do we struggle so much with building fortresses of holiness to keep out the darkness, instead of infiltrating the darkness with the glorious light of the gospel? Why do we erect barriers for others to follow Christ, when He simply says, ‘Come and see’?

I believe it is because we have mistaken our mission.  We would prefer to build bastions of ‘holy’ behavior that allow only those who meet our standard to enter the gates, rather than bring light to the wilderness. We think that we will be polluted by the world’s standards to leave the walls that we have built. We forget that it is not our mission to create a holy people (that is what God is doing), but to make disciples of all people, that we are to live incarnationally, as the One we follow.

We forget that God has entered the darkness Himself, that the Light became flesh and dwelt among us. Those in the light are not scared that the darkness will overwhelm them. They are not afraid of being too gracious, because all truth is revealed as we shine the light of the gospel. Grace has been given to us so that we might brighten dark places. It gives us strength to walk in the valley of the shadow of death and to not be overcome by evil. It is by grace that we can sit down at the table with sinners, and live side by side with them even though we are set apart, because the One who is in us, is greater than one who is in the world.

Ultimately, what we must understand is that God’s Kingdom cannot be contained to Sunday morning services or Christian institutions of higher education, but is found every day and in every place among God’s people as they shine the light of the gospel to a dark world. May we be a city set upon a hill, that holds firm to God’s Word as we gather, but may we also be salt and light that leaves the city gates and ventures into the wilderness to go after those who are lost.

Every day is a rescue mission for those who would choose to do their Father’s will.

Ministry Update

Just yesterday I sat in a refugee camp with a little Ukrainian girl. To be honest sometimes I feel like these weekly interactions have little effect at shining the light of the gospel in the hearts of those we encounter, but then I have interactions like yesterday, and I am reminded of why we show up for those who seem far from Christ.

This little girl had been REALLY naughty and disrespectful to our workers and the other kids around her. I’ve learned working in these environments that behavior like this is a symptom of a heart in turmoil and responding in stride only makes the situation worse. So, I sat down with her and gave her my undivided attention. I wanted her to know that I saw her and that everything was going to be ok.

I’m always amazed how God works in these moments, how he can take a bleak situation and turn it around for the good. It was like someone flipped a switch. She went from running around the room, pushing others, and insulting them, to quietly sitting in a chair and participating in the craft with the rest of the children.

I don’t believe it was anything I did to bring about this change other than just trying my best to act like Jesus in this moment. So many times, I fail to act this way with those around me and with my own family, but this moment reminded me of what happens when we desire to take on the non-anxious presence of the One we follow and offer grace.

It is this presence that calms fears and comes to dwell with those in proximity to us. I believe that whether they know it or not, those we hope to shine the light of Christ to are attracted to this light and it is these moments that the heart is softened to receive the gospel of grace. Please pray that the soil we have been cultivating since February will take on new life as we have invited residents from this shelter to our church’s annual Thanksgiving Dinner. We plan to give the gospel at this event Saturday evening in their native tongue.

Please also pray for our church as we encourage those in our care to be on mission here in our city. We have more and more people participating in our outreach to refugees, partnering with Alabaster Jar (a ministry to those caught in the sex industry in our city), and participating in our church-wide events designed to reach our own neighborhood. We have great opportunities in each of these areas to cast gospel seed in the coming month with the Christmas season. Pray that the soil we have been cultivating for months will bear fruit.

We have established our leadership cohort to prepare men for leading the church here in our city or wherever they may go. We have identified a group of 18 men from our congregation that we are equipping for church leadership, and we hope that they may grow into leaders in our church or wherever God would take them in the years to come.

Please also continue to pray for our church plant in Potsdam led by our coworkers Franz and Kristie Martens. Our family is part of the planting team in this endeavor, and we have seen more and more people gathering in recent months. We are praying for wisdom in next steps.

Finally, please continue to pray for the situation on our borders. We are receiving reports that many are without power in Ukraine, even as many are struggling to cope with an energy crisis in our own country. Right now, we are assessing how we can provide support to fellow believers in Ukraine. Including driving in much needed supplies that are impossible to receive in the country at this time, but needed for the coming winter. Please pray for protection, as we are considering a trip in the coming weeks.

Here are some ministry highlights from the past two months!

*If you click on the image, a light-box will pop-up with a description of what each picture represents. If you are using a smartphone click on the small dot at the bottom right corner of the light-box to see the description.

Praise the Lord we received a tremendously generous gift this month that covered the majority of the cost for the heating oil for our home that we had purchased just two days before! God is good! We also want to thank so many of you who have been so gracious in supplying our every need. We are overwhelmed by your generosity to us and love for those we are trying to reach.❤️

Family Update

I praise the Lord that we were able to spend some more intentional time together as a family over fall break. Last week was a great week and much needed reprieve from the busyness of outreaches, community events and meetings that normally fill up our calendar.

We are also thankful for how well the girls are doing in school. For the first time this year, the majority of the girls’ classes are in German. They have really been thrown into the deep end, but they are swimming, and we are thankful for God’s grace to them. Here are some pictures of the fun we have had together lately!

Prayer Update

  • Upcoming outreaches to the least-reached, and hurting in our city as well as to our neighbors, both immigrants and Germans.

  • Continuing wisdom and discernment for developing our Cohort of men for church leadership.

  • Unity in our church with the addition of a new elder and a vote on an addition to our doctrinal statement concerning Marriage/Sexuality.

  • Growth of our Church plant in Potsdam.

  • Continued grace to our family.

Chad Gfeller